- Selectboard
- Conservation Commission
- Finance Committee
- Heritage Commission
- Library Trustees
- Planning Board
- Supervisors of the Checklist
- Trustees of Trust Funds
- Water & Wastewater
- Zoning Board
Duties & Responsibilities
The selectmen serve as a town’s chief executive body. They have overall responsibility for the general operations of town government. They are authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the municipality.
While most other town boards and offices serve a particular function (e.g., assessors, finance, school, health), the selectmen’s responsibilities are much broader. Their job is often one of sorting out the various positions of different departments and boards to determine the best overall course of action for the town. Selectmen play an active and strong role in the financial management of the town.
- The Charlestown Selectboard is a five member board. Each member is voted in at the Town’s annual vote.
Meeting Place & Time
- The Selectboard meets the first and third Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Community Room located at 26 Railroad St. (See Latest News for times)
- Shelly Andrus
- Trick Patrick
- Nancy Houghton
- Charles Baraly
(Back to top)Conservation Commission
Duties & Responsibilities
The Charlestown Conservation Commission’s mission is the preservation and protection of Charlestown’s natural resources, through planning, promoting and education to assist other town boards in conservation matters.
Charlestown Conservation Commission purpose statement:
- Support and advise the Board of Selectmen, the Town Planning Board and Zoning Board regarding conservation issues.
- Protect Charlestown’s natural resources. Protect wetlands, forested land, farmlands, open space, and wildlife habitats.
- Review all Dredge and Fill Permits.
- Manage the Town Forests: Reservoir Lot Forest, Halls Pond Forest, Sam’s Hill Forest.
- Oversee LCIP conservation easements
- Maintain town trails
- Coordinate Greenup Day – first Saturday of May.
- Coordinate Adopt-a-Highway cleans up days: Route 12 from Walpole town line to the junction of Lover’s Lane Road.
Contact Information
- Phone: (603) 445-5209
- Meetings-When: 3rd Monday of every month
- Meetings-Where: Community Room
- Meetings-Time: 7:00pm
Helpful Forms and Links
(Back to top)Finance Committee
Duties & Responsibilities
The Finance Committee provides recommendations to the Selectboard on budgeting and financial planning.
Meetings: October - January Mondays at 6:30pm in the Community Room
- Chair - David Richardson
- Vice Chair - Steve Neill
- Lenny Ostasiewski
- Robert Davis
- Keith Weed
- Trina Royce
- Sara Davis
- Adam Choquette
- Richard Carter
Heritage & Historic District Commission
**Looking for members**
Duties & Responsibilities
The Heritage Commission acts in an advisory role regarding the identification, protection and preservation of historical resources, and works as a liaison between the local government, individuals and organizations focused on historical preservation.
Meetings: As needed in the Community Room
Phone: (603) 445-5324
- Duane Wetherby
- Tamara Golden
- Philip Turner
- Paul Beliveau
- Evelyn Beliveau
Library Trustees
Duties and Responsibilities
They hire the library director, adopt policies to govern the library’s operation and advocate for adequate financial support of the library.
- Maureen Spilsbury
- Karen Haskell
- Judy Baraly
- Meg Lambert
- Clifford Stark
- Kathleen Eames
- James Lupolt
Planning Board
Duties and Responsibilities
The Planning Board is responsible for reviewing all new construction, except one- and two-family homes, and subdivisions of land occurring in the Town. Reviews are carried out under Site Plan and Subdivision Regulations as established by the Board. In addition, the Board reviews, revises, and adopts the Town Master Plan.
- The Board consists of seven members, one being the ex-officio of the Charlestown Selectboard. Citizens are voted in on the Town’s annual voting day in three-year terms.
Meeting Place & Time
- The Planning Board meets the first and third Tuesdays of every month at 7:00pm in the Community Room located at 26 Railroad Street.
- Alan Putnam
- Patricia Chaffee
- Keith Weed
- Lenny Ostasiewski
- Stacy Hassett
- Richard Carter
Contact Information
Liz Emerson
- Phone: (603) 826-4400
- Email:
Trustees of Trust Funds
Duties and Responsibilities
Meets periodically for any decisions or actions. Annual Reports are published each year in the Town Report.
The Trustees of Trust Funds will meet on the following dates in 2024. Meetings are in the Community Room of the Library/Municipal Building at 3:30PM. The Public is always welcome.
- March 14, 2024
- June 13, 2024
- September 12, 2024
- December 5, 2024
December 5th Agenda
Call to order
Approval of September 12, 2024 minutes
Old Business
New Business
- Approve 2025 Investment Policy
- Review/Approve Widow/Widoer Fund Applications
- Reconcile NHTC Accounts
- Any other business
Next Meeting
For Questions Email:
- Patricia Royce
- William Sullivan
- Barbara Hewes
Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA)
Duties and Responsibilities
In general, the board of adjustment is the body established to: hear appeals of decisions rendered by the zoning administrator, interpret unclear provisions in the zoning ordinance, decide on applications by landowners to permit buildings or land uses which vary from the zoning regulations.
- The Board consists of five members. Citizens are appointed by a Selectboard vote.
Meeting Place & Time
- The ZBA meets as needed.
- Andy Jellie
- Terri Fisk
- Matthew Baran
- Bob Davis
- Nancy Houghton
Contact Information
Liz Emerson
- Phone: (603) 826-4400
- Email: